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A HUMANITAS – Federação Portuguesa para a Deficiência Mental é uma Federação constituída por Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) que desenvolvem a sua acção no âmbito da habilitação e integração da Pessoa com Deficiência Intelectual. Representa cerca de 6000 pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual apoiadas por mais de 30 Instituições, abrangendo todo o território nacional.

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CECD - Cooperativa para a Inclusão, whose name is C.E.C.D. Mira Sintra - Centro de Educação para o Cidadão com Deficiência, CRL, is a non-profit social solidarity cooperative, recognised as a public utility institution and internationally certified by EQUASS Assurance.

The mission of CECD - Cooperativa para a Inclusão is to develop quality services for people with disabilities (IDD - Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties), multi-disabilities, and other socially vulnerable people, defending and promoting their rights and contributing to improving their quality of life, from a social inclusion perspective.

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APPACDM Lisboa is an organisation that stands out for the qualification and humanisation of its services, in which each citizen is a unique being, considered and valued for their characteristics and potential, contributing to a society with equal opportunities. Likewise, it promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in society with a quality of life that respects the principles that enshrine the right to exercise full citizenship.

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The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) is the national public agency supporting research in science, technology and innovation in all areas of knowledge. It is a special regime public institute under the supervision and oversight of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

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Digital Human-Environment Interaction Labs (Hei-Lab)  is rooted on the human-context interaction paradigm that looks into human behavior and its contexts interchangeably. Our mission is to converge Psychology and Videogame knowledge into a transdisciplinary scientific platform aimed at studying human behavior within this interactive view. Digital technology, shaped after psychology principals and created by engineering processes, is HEI-Lab’s signature, offering new psychological research and intervention opportunities. 

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The Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT) has been the leader of over 40 national and international projects supported by several funding european programmes, such as Erasmus +, FP7, ISF, H2020, Media Programme. Also at national level, the Centre has several projects funded by national funds, such as FCT, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the EEA Grants.

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